If you have any questions about the Kölner Klassik Ensemble, you can contact the organisation's board directly. The best way to reach us is via the shared e-mail address. We can be reached by telephone at the office number below. Please use the answering machine if you cannot reach us directly, we will get back to you quickly.
Kölner Klassik Ensemble e.V. / Cologne Classical Ensemble
Chair: Tobias Kassung, Lena Kravets, Luciano Marziali
Theodor-Heuss-Ring 12
50668 KÖLN
Tel.: (0049) 0221 - 125 111
Our artist agency Bine Knappstein is also at your disposal at any time:
Bine Knappstein
Mobil: (0049) 0178 - 33 86 173